Case Study for BuyInHappy - MP Store Credit leveraged the MP-Store Credit App on Shopify to enhance their returns and refunds process, resulting in a significant increase in repeat customers

Case Study for BuyInHappy

Business Brief

Buyinhappy is an online store selling a variety of products. They sell a variety of collections for men and women and custom prints. In addition, they also sell travel gear, shoes and sporting goods. They are known for offering uniquely customized products and services. Plus, they have partnered with big players like DHL, VISA, MasterCard, PayPal and EMS.


The company has a tough time dealing with refunds and returns. They are not great at keeping tabs on customer store credits, which makes customers feel left out and unsure about trusting the brand. This ends up slowing down sales and how satisfied customers are with their shopping experience.


We made things easier for the brand by integrating MP Store Credit app. Instead of giving money back for returns, customers get store credits. This makes it simpler for everyone involved and reduces the brand's work. People like it because they have another way to handle returns without hassle.

The App has an easy-to-use tracking dashboard. This gives consumers greater brand confidence because they know their credit is being properly monitored. When customers trust a brand, they are more likely to come back and buy products, which is an advantage for the brand.

Additionally, MP Store Credit app enables you to set up rewards that are automatically applied when customers make a purchase. This makes customers happy because they get something extra when they buy from the website. It also makes you want to come back in the future and buy more. Through all of this, we helped the brand make shopping easier, increase sales, and build stronger relationships with customers.


  • Reduced workload and increased customer happiness by 30% through simplified returns and refunds.
  • Boosted customer excitement and loyalty by automatically rewarding them.
  • Improved shopping experience with smoother credit usage during payment.
  • Achieved a 19% increase in Average Order Value (AOV).
  • Realized a significant 27% increase in repeat customers.
  • Achieved a remarkable 108% growth in rewards upsell.
  • Increased repeat customer rate by 30%.
  • Achieved an impressive ROI of 113%.