Innovative . Efficient . Effective

Convert every click into a Shopify Sale with MakkPress Apps

Make Your Store Better: Improve How It Works, Expand Reach

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Push Remarketing by MP

Boost online store's success with 'Push Remarketing By MP.' Send automatic push notifications to enhance sales, keep customers engaged, and encourage repeat visits. Target visitors who left without buying, tackle abandoned carts, and offer special deals to convert casual browsers into loyal buyers. Make marketing smarter with our seamless, effective solutions.

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MP - Store Credit

Make refunds, rewards, and loyalty easier with 'MP - Store Credit.' Make your Shopify store better for customers by making returns simpler, handling refunds easily, and encouraging more purchases with smart store credits. Keep customers coming back and make more money by letting them use credits when they buy things.

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MakkPress Product Validator

Boost customer confidence with 'Makkpress — Product Validator.' This app allows shoppers to quickly check if products are available in their area by entering their zip code on your Shopify store. It makes it easy for them to ask questions and reach out to you directly. Easily modify to fit your needs & access customer backend, & enhance customer service.

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MakkPress - Store Locator

Help customers find your store easily with 'Makkpress — Store Locator.' This tool works smoothly with your Shopify store, showing an interactive map of all your store locations. You can customize it to match your brand's style, making it simple for shoppers to spot you. Adding unlimited locations boosts visibility and makes it easier for customers to reach you.

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MakkPress Free Shipping Bar

Increase your business sales using the 'Makkpress Free Shipping Bar' app. It lets you offer free shipping on your Shopify store, making customers more likely to buy. Customize your design according to your offer. Additionally, it encourages shoppers to spend more to get free shipping. This helps you sell more stuff through better shipping offers.

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MakkPress Quick Notification

Get more people engaged and buying from your online store with 'Makkpress — Quick Notification.' It lets you create custom notification bars without any coding. Great for promoting events or staying connected with customers, it's easy to install & customize to match your store's look. Make your Shopify store more user-friendly and boost sales with engaging announcements.

MakkPress Apps – Transforming Shopify Stores Into Market Leaders

Boost the experience of online shopping with MakkPress Apps. Our tools help you succeed by solving problems like abandoned carts and adding cool features to your store. We provide everything your brand needs.

MakkPress Apps
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Keep Customers Coming Back

MakkPress Apps help you reconnect with customers effectively. Tools like Push Remarketing bring back previous visitors, boosting your sales and increasing their interest in your brand.

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Tailored Shopping Experience

Make shopping easier for your customers with the MakkPress Store Locator and Product Validator. These apps personalize the shopping experience based on each user's location.

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Encourage Loyalty

Our apps like MP Store Credit and MakkPress Free Shipping Bar reward customers, encouraging them to come back for more. These tools offer incentives for further purchases and increase customer engagement.

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Stay Connected

Keep your customers in the loop with MakkPress Quick Notification. This tool sends real-time updates about promotions and sales, keeping your customers engaged and informed.

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Happy Clients
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Awards Won

Elevate your eCommerce strategy and innovate the digital marketplace with our advanced suite of tools

Each feature helps your business do better, work smoother, and be more creative

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Get Creative

Use our customization tools to make your business stand out. They are easy to use and help you create unique experiences for your customers.

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Save Money

Our tools use data to help you spend your marketing budget wisely. You will know where to invest to get the best results.

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See What's Happening

Keep track of your projects and customer interactions with smart dashboards. They give you all the information you need in real-time.

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Stay in Control

Manage everything in one place with our control hub. It makes it easy to coordinate all your eCommerce activities for better outcomes.

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Save Time

Our email reports save you time by doing all the work for you. No more manual tasks, just smooth analysis.

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Make Things Easier

Our MP Store Credit apps simplify returns and refunds process. It's a smoother process that saves you time and paperwork.


Client Success Stories

Read stories from our partners who have used MakkPress Apps to grow their businesses. Learn about their successes, innovations, and breakthroughs firsthand.

"Ever since we added the MakkPress Store Locator to our online store, our customers have had a much better time. Now, they can easily discover our actual stores, and this has brought more people in and boosted our sales. Easy to Integrate and we noticed the positive effects right away

Henry Cooper

"The Push Remarketing app from MakkPress is amazing. It helped us reconnect with customers who left their carts, making our sales go up a lot. The easy-to-use design and personalized notifications make it a must-have for any online store wanting to sell more."

Duke Collins

Implementing MakkPress's Push Notification App was a game-changer for our online store. The ability to send personalized messages directly to our customers' devices has drastically increased our engagement rates and boosted our sales.

Adam Garcia

The MakkPress Product Validator has revolutionized how we manage our product listings. Now, our customers get real-time validation on product availability, which has improved their shopping experience significantly and reduced junk queries.

Ema Evans

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